About HSA
The Ridge School HSA is a non-profit organization comprised of parents/guardians of students, faculty and administration of Ridge School. We support enriching experiences for our children and provide interesting and important information to parents/guardians throughout the year.
Mission and purposes
The mission of the Foundation (HSA) is to provide for closer relationships among parents and children attending Ridge School and the teachers and administrators of Ridge. The mission is also to raise funds to enhance the educational opportunities of students attending Ridge School and to foster and promote innovative approaches for excellence in education at Ridge School.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Foundation and the principal of Ridge School. The executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President and/or any officers of the Foundation to conduct the affairs of the Foundation between meetings of the Board of Trustees. Any and all actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
Our 2024-2025 Board
Amy Hayes
Vice President
Chelsea Beser
Julia Bender
Assistant Treasurer ​​
Kellye Hickey
Volunteer Coordinator
Julia Hoag
Andrea Herwitt and Rashelle Hix
Katherine Cormican