Family resources
Important School Information
Ridge School Mission Statement
The mission of Ridge School is to provide all students with equal access to a full education recognizing their various learning styles and providing them with the skills needed for their fullest participation in a changing society. This education will emphasize the dignity of the individual in an atmosphere of active support, open communication, financial commitment and cooperation among professional staff, parents, children and the larger Ridgewood community.
General Information
Ridge Elementary School
325 West Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
2024-2025 Interim Principal, Dr. Michelle Melucci
The Ridge School website is www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us
Click "Select a School" then click "Ridge Elementary School." The website contains current information about what is happening at Ridge.
Kindergarten: 8:30 am-2:55 pm
Grades 1-5: 8:35 am-3:00 pm
Minimum Day Hours: 8:35 am-12:45 pm​​
Absence Verification System
This telephone answering system serves as a double check of a student's absence and assures that each child sent to school has arrived safely. Parents should report student absences by calling (201) 670-2740 ext. 1 any time before 8:45am or 1:00pm. A recorded message will ask that the following information be provided:
Student's name
Student's grade and teacher
Date(s) absent
Reason for child's absence
The messages will be checked twice a day at 8:45am and 1:00pm against the teachers' absence reports. If a child is not in school and has not been reported as absent, a secretary will call the parent.
School Safety Rules
Students in Grades 4 and 5 are permitted to ride bikes to and from school provided they ride legally, safely and considerately. Bike helmets are required by law. Children should dismount at the approach to the school driveway and walk their bikes to the rack. Ignoring crossing guards or disregarding safety rules may result in the loss of riding privileges.
Skateboards, roller blades and scooters are prohibited and must not be brought to school.
Making, carrying or throwing snowballs is prohibited on school grounds and while traveling to and from school.
Surprise parties for teachers are not allowed. Invitations to home parties may not be handed out in school. Remember that children's feelings are easily hurt.
Other Helpful Information
Cell phones and smart watches arc not permitted for students. During school hours devices must be turned off and placed in student backpacks.
Please do not send your child to school if he or she is not feeling well. Illness spreads quickly in a classroom environment. General guidelines include:
No fever in the past 24 hours
No persistent cough
No thick nasal mucous
No fatigue or general discomfort
When a child becomes ill at school, the school nurse provides only first aid care and, when necessary, arranges for the child to go home. If parents are not available, the person listed on the child's emergency form is notified and asked to come for the child. No child will be sent home without an adult from elementary school.
The nurse cannot legally administer medicine internally without a doctor's written order. Therefore, the nurse cannot offer even such medication as aspirin. If it is necessary for your child to take medicine during school hours, the medicine must be given to the nurse along with the parental request. The student should not carry medication to school each day; instead, the container with the prescription label should be left in school with the nurse. Medicine intended for home use should be kept separately in a labeled container at home. If the school nurse is not available, the medication may be given only by the parent. The authorization for medication does not extend beyond the current school year.
Pediculosis is a continuing and annoying problem among school-aged children. In order to limit the spread of pediculosis, we have instituted a number of procedures at Ridge School.
It is the practice of Ridge School that any student determined to have head lice be temporarily excluded from school until they have been treated, rechecked by the school nurse and are "nit free." If you find head lice or nits (eggs) on your child at home, please do your part to prevent the spread of this communicable condition. Notify the school nurse immediately so she can check children in your child's grade level.
This information will be handled in a confidential manner. Please also inform the parents of your child's close friends and check all family members for possible infestation for at least two weeks. After treating your child with lice shampoo, it is extremely important that you manually remove all nits from your child's hair. The school nurse must check your child before returning to class to ensure that he/she is not free.
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held between late September and Thanksgiving. The conferences are designed for parents to meet with their children's teachers in order to set goals for the year. Information about scheduling of these conferences will be communicated through the classroom teacher.
Each Tuesday, school notices will be emailed to parents and posted on the Ridge School website. Your child may also bring home materials if they are not suited for posting on the website.
State regulations and Board of Education policy require that parents be informed that they may request a copy of pupil records upon the child's departure form the Ridgewood Public Schools. If you wish to have a copy, please direct your request to the school principal. Parents may make an appointment with the principal to review their child's records at any time.
Lost and found items are located on the table near the front door. Please check there if you are missing items of clothing, etc. Please label all your children's belongings to limit the number of items in the lost and found.
Because of the potential for interruptions of the instructional program, the office does not call students out of class for lunches, instruments, homework, library books, etc. Teachers have been instructed to send students who are missing these items down to the office to see if they have been delivered. Please reinforce with your children that if they realize they are missing any of the above items, they should check with the office to see if they have been delivered. Please do not deliver items directly to the classrooms or closets during school hours.
The Bill Ward Discretionary Fund, named for former principal Bill Ward, provides financial assistance to families with children at Ridge Elementary School who find themselves in need. Assistance may be used to help pay for such things as summer school and summer camps, rental of musical instruments, Book Fair, class trips, book gifting, etc. The money in the fund is invested in an interest bearing account that will allow access to funds whenever needed. If you or anyone you know are in need, please send a note or make a telephone call to the principal, Michael Piacenza. The privacy of the recipients will be respected and all requests will remain confidential. Contributions may be made to the fund by writing a check payable to the Bill Ward Discretionary Fund, and forwarding it to the HSA Treasurer.
Student Code of Conduct
Students in the Ridgewood Public School District's six elementary schools are expected to follow a golden rule:
Treat other people and their things the way you would like to be treated.
We believe this rule is a clear compass to guide all behavior in all situations. In addition to modeling this rule through daily actions, the faculty and staff regularly address this rule through weekly character education sessions, regular read aloud sessions, and school wide events.
We believe that elementary school is a time to grow and learn from mistakes. Therefore, we are guided by a progressive discipline philosophy. We have listed some possible consequences for violating our Student Code of Conduct, in order of severity. Because we believe that the consequences for students should have meaning and help them learn, we also explore alternative forms of discipline if we feel it is in the best interest of the students.
Infractions that are not acceptable in a school environment include: harassment, intimidation, bullying*, theft, destruction and/or defacing school property, fighting, leaving school property without permission, disrespect to fellow students/faculty, violation of acceptable use policy for technology, and inappropriate behavior that is disruptive to the learning or safety of others.
Possible consequences include:
Discussion with students and/or their parents
Written reflection
Lunch/recess detention
After school detention
Alternative discipline such as an assignment or community service
Suspension or expulsion in the case of dangerous or unsafe behavior, serious or repeated harassment, intimidation, bullying*, fighting, theft or vandalism.
Our discipline standard requires that we address any action of which we are made aware by investigating it and, if necessary, by implementing discipline. Our philosophy of progressive discipline focuses on teaching a student to behave properly so the consequences may be simply talking to a student and recording the incident, or as severe as a suspension. Should a student repeat the same offense or several small offenses, she will receive more severe discipline.
Counseling and the Child Study Team services may be utilized in order to assist students in adhering to the Student Conduct of Conduct. Teachers and administrators provide additional group and individual support as appropriate. Student conduct is almost never black and white and we will provide due diligence in any investigation, but we are not a court of law. We do not discriminate based on gender, age, religious orientation or any other protected class, and our policies and practices are implemented without regard to membership in such groups. We do not make public the disciplinary actions that we impose on a student, even to the family of a victim if there is one. We respect the privacy of all students.
*Ridgewood Board of Education Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy and Regulation (5512, R 5512) may be found at www.ridgewood.k12.nj.usunder Board Policies and Regulations.
This directory is a publication of the Ridge Home & School Association and is not an official publication of the Ridgewood Public Schools system, and is published solely for the informational and social convenience of Ridge School families. No one, including, but not limited to, members of the Ridge Home and School Association, Inc., and any employee or representative of the school system is permitted to give information in this document to any person or organization which solicits or is engaged in any commercial, outside charitable, political or partisan purpose. No one may use the information in this document for personal gain. The names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of families in this directory should be treated as private and confidential.