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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

School Notices:

BOOK GIFTING!!  It’s not too late to participate in the Ridge Library Book Gifting Program!  It is a great way to recognize your child’s birthday while contributing a lasting gift to our library’s collection.  Please see the attached flyer and registration form. BOOK GIFTING PROGRAM 2019.pdf 

If you have any questions, please email Julia Bender


Circus Week is This Week!  All PE classes will participate in circus-related activities this week and then the Fourth Grade will put on a circus performance on Friday the 28th for parents at 6:30!  

Your generous donations to Friends of Ridge pay for Circus Week and many other enrichment activities for the students.  If you haven't donated yet, PLEASE do!!  We are only 35% of the way to our goal this year and want to be sure we keep all these great activities for the kids!

Science Fair and Lip Sync are coming up, so please read Dr. Schoenlank’s letter now about these fun events:    Lip Sync Letter 2020.pdf 

Pennies for Pups:  We are collecting pennies to benefit the Seeing-Eye Dog Organization, (as part of our One School/One Book project) and the H.S.A. has generously offered to match it!  Please send in your pennies with your children to deposit in the container in the front hall.  

RBSA….Registration is now open for baseball, softball, t-ball and kickball.  Please see attached notice:  RBSA Registration Info 2020.pdf 

Health Office:

We were hoping our days off would stop the cycle of the flu, strep throat and a high-fever virus, and we are seeing a decrease in these.  However, we still ask that you please keep your child home and see a doctor if they complain of not feeling well.  

Also, if your child is going to be ABSENT (for any reason), please email Colleen Manke ( or  call the Health Office absence line with a reason – that helps us keep track of illnesses.  201-670-2740x1

5th Grade Parents:  Your child will need updated immunizations going into 6th grade.  Attached is a list of requirements for you to share with your doctor.  You may drop off updated immunization lists in my office prior to June 1st. 6th Grade Immunization 20-21.pdf 

LEAVING?  If you know that your child(ren) will not be attending Ridge next year (either moving, going private, etc.) please let the office know as soon as possible.  Thanks!

HSA Notices

Thank you to everyone who helped make Movie Night a great time for Ridge families including Ms. Tobin, Ms. Betstadt, Student Leadership Club, Bake Sale Chair- Lauren Kupiec, Tasneem Patrawala and our 7th grade volunteers.

The movie night bake sale was a success thanks to so many of you who donated baked goods and other items.  Special thanks to Amy Hayes, Mary Gaita, Kim Kerwin, Meaghan Nadeau, Kristen Kuiken, Anna Di Maio, Patricia Maggio, Kumi Ishihara, and Hisae Otera! 

Box Tops WINNERS!   Congratulations to our 3 Box Tops' class winners from end of 2019 - Ms. Pederson, Ms. Sason, and Ms. Banchitta! These three classes will each be having a fun Popsicle party to celebrate their big wins. PLEASE continue to send in those box tops, as we will have another collection.  Help us garner funds for Ridge School by cutting tops from items you are already buying AND BY SCANNING your receipts. We really can use your help in assisting our school. Just download the app to your phone. Any questions, reach out to Wendy Gross at

Lip Sync Songs Are Coming In!  Lip Sync is less than a month away (Friday, March 20). To avoid a ton of repeats, check out this document for the latest song selections. Also, we want to remind everyone the importance of choosing appropriate music and attire for the show. Everyone from 1 to 99 should be able to enjoy it. For more info, sign up forms, rehearsal dates, and common questions, check out this tip sheet. Ready to sign up: add your info here. Email Kathleen Harris at for any questions.

Ridge Science Fair 2020 SignUp Genius is live! Please click on the link below for details on how you can get involved.

The Science Fair will be on March 5 & 6. On Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 pm we will hold our first-ever Ridge Evening Science Fair. Families are invited to attend this event to view projects and enjoy additional science activities. The Science Fair will remain open during the school day on Friday, March 6 for students to visit with their classes. Science Fair packets were sent home in backpacks. If you need an extra copy, they are available on the eNews page or here: Science Fair 2020.pdf   Forms are due this Thursday 2/27.

Science fair:

CALLING ALL BAKERS  Please consider donating baked goods or candy for the science fair on 3/5!  Let’s get creative and make these baked goods science-themed tasty treats if you can!  

No nuts, individually wrapped goodies - 2 dozen per baking volunteer. Individually wrapped candy is also welcome! Deliver your goodies to the HSA room (directly across from the main office) by 3:15pm on Thursday March 5th.  Please click here to sign up.  Thank you so much for all of your help! 

Reading Marathon comes to an end this week with forms due back to your student’s teacher by Monday, March 2. While donations are not necessary to participate, they are very much appreciated and help to fund programs such as story times, author visits, cooking classes, book clubs, free museum passes and much more. Donations of $25 or more will receive a personalized bookplate in a new Ridgewood Public Library book. If you have lost your form, you can download and print one from

Calling all artists!  If you or someone you know is an experienced artist (painter, musician, producer, poet, etc) and interested in growing our kids love of art at Ridge’s Art Day on April 3, please contact Christin Williams at

TICTOC’s 2nd annual Kate Sasso Memorial Art Contest for 5th Graders has officially begun this month!

All submissions should be dropped off to the Ridgewood Library children’s desk between February 21 and February 29 at 5pm.

This "Art Inspired by Nature" contest is a great opportunity for 5th Graders to show their talents and win prizes!

Attached are the Flyer, Contest Rules and Entry Form.

Art Contest for 5th Graders.pdf  

Art Contest Rules.pdf 

Art Contest Entry form.pdf 

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