Tuesday, August 13, 2019
School Notices
Please read Dr. Schoenlank’s letter to your children before Tuesday: Start of school year letter for Children.pdf
Please read Dr. Schoenlank’s welcome letter to parents: Welcome Back Letter 2019.pdf
Some important dates to put on your calendar (or in your phone) NOW:
September 3 – first day of school; 12:45 dismissal for all children.
September 6 – Family Picnic on castle hill behind school – 5:00 p.m.
September 11 – Back to School Night – 6:30 p.m. (Adults only)
September 17 – H.S.A. Meeting – 1:15 p.m. – Faculty Room
September 19 – New Family Coffee - 9:00 a.m. – Cafeteria
September 25 – PHOTO day – all day
September 30 – School closed – Rosh Hashanah
You should have received a postcard in the mail from the District about updating your information in Skyward. Please note that this is to update what is already in there; NOT to re-do your registrations. Please do this as soon as possible – thanks! If you missed it, you can see it here: Skyward Update Instructions 2019.pdf
LUNCH ORDERING is now open for September.
Here are directions for changing your child’s grade and teacher for this year: Instructions for Lunch Ordering Changes.pdf
Please read Dr. Schoenlank’s letter about Parking & Traffic around Ridge – it is important that everyone understands these procedures. Please send in the signed page when the children return in September. Parking Letter 2019.pdf
Here is a link to the page with the Free & Reduced Lunch Applications. Last year’s approvals expire on September 7th. https://www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us/cms/One.aspx?portalid=207600&pageid=387569&objectId.73848=390674&contextId.73848=389121&parentId.73848=389122
Remember to send (or bring) us a postcard from your summer travels – they’re being posted on our big bulletin board for September. It’s always fun to see the many places Ridge kids travel….
INCOMING KINDERGARTEN (and new students):
If you haven’t yet brought in your child’s signed physical and immunization records, we need it this week. Kindergarten students will not be allowed to start unless all paperwork has been handed in. Colleen Manke’s email is cmanke@ridgewood.k12.nj.us
HSA Notices
Back to School Picnic - Save the Date - Friday September 6, 5- 7 PM behind Ridge School. Bring a blanket and a picnic dinner or buy some hotdogs and popcorn. You and your kids will have fun with other Ridge families while also raising money for Ridge School. There will be meeting places for Kindergarteners, First Graders and Families New to Ridge. Check out our newly designed line of Ridgewear for school spirit throughout the year! New this year, our young entrepreneurs will have a lemonade stand!! We'll need your help to make it all happen. Parent Volunteers use this Sign up Genius link : Ridge Back to School Picnic
Parents of 7th grade Community Service Volunteers, contact Garima Singh at garimaz@gmail.com. Any questions? Contact Garima Singh or Caren Langheim.(carenlangheim@yahoo.com)
Donations now being accepted to start filling our amazing Raffle Baskets for the Ridge School Picnic: Share your expertise and passion of your small business! Doing a summer clean out? Pass along any unopened toys you find! Porch drop off available all summer. Contact Kerry DeVincenzo klynch2350@aol.com
Bakers needed for the annual Family Picnic on Friday 9/6! Sign up here. Please consider donating baked goods for our family picnic on September 6th! No nuts, individually wrapped goodies - 2 dozen per baking volunteer. Cake pops, cookies, brownies, rice krispie treats, and/or cupcakes (not wrapped). Individually wrapped candy (i.e. ring pops, lollipops, etc.), sliced watermelon wedges (ready to eat) and water bottles also welcome donations! Deliver your goodies to the HSA room by 3:00pm on Sept 6th or between 3-4pm directly to bake sale table set up behind the school. Contact lauren.kupiec@gmail.com with any questions and please keep in mind it may be hot so treats that hold up to heat are best. THANK YOU!
First day of school "Meet and Greet" in front of school after drop-off. A Ridge tradition...do stop by and say Hi! Grab a cup of coffee & a small bite.
Ridge School Directory NEW THIS YEAR! Access the Ridge School Directory ANYWHERE on ANY DEVICE at ANY TIME! All the information you need at a moment’s notice will be exclusively available on your electronic devices with routine updates to insure you have the latest information. Membership is included in your annual HSA dues. More details to follow.
Coming soon! Our newly designed line of Ridge Wear will be available online. An exciting line of hoodies, pajama bottoms, tee shirts and shorts. Try personalizing a hoodie with your child’s name! Sale starts on September 5th, 2019 and is available for a limited time only.
Please visit our Ridge HSA online store for more information https://www.ridgehsa.org/shop
Stop by our Ridge Wear table on September 5th at 3:00 p.m. outside of Ridge and at the Family Picnic on September 6th to check out sample sizes of merchandise.