Tuesday, October 8, 2019
School Notices
LOST & FOUND is overflowing every day! Please help your child track his/her belongings and label all sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets and lunch bags.
LICE…now that we are back in school, just a reminder to check your child’s head daily for lice. Visit the Health page on our website for helpful instructions. If your child does have lice, they need to be treated and cleared by the nurse before they can return to school. We do not do mass head checks for lice – parents are responsible for checking their own children.
STREP: Strep throat is still going around Ridge. If your child complains of a sore throat and/or stomach ache, with or without fever, please have your child checked by a physician.
FEVER: We have had a number of children staying home with a fever. Your child needs to be fever-free (without medication) for 24 hours before they are permitted to return to school.
Attention 3rd, 4th, or 5th graders! Interested in joining the Cambodia Club? Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, October 16 @ 8am in the library. Please fill in the Google form so that we know how many people to expect. If you have any questions, please contact Michele Eng or Karen Feder
HSA Notices
Our Meadow Farms Fundraiser ends this Monday, October 14th! You can fill out the order form from the packet – or log on to www.meadowfarms.com and register for online sales (School ID #1124005). Great gifts, home decor, wrapping paper, gourmet snacks & cookies, and much more! Shop now to support our school and make sure to share this fundraiser with friends & family! A big thanks to everyone who has participated so far!!
FAMILY BINGO NIGHT is Friday, October 18th. One of the best nights for Ridge families! Tickets will be sold at the door: $4 per person - extra cards $2 each. All families are welcome. Please contact Dr. Schoenlank if cost is a concern. We are in need of donated prizes - toys, games, books, etc. would be greatly appreciated and will contribute to making Bingo Night a success. Kindly drop off your donation in the box near the school entrance labeled BINGO. THANK YOU! We are also in need of 4-5 volunteers for door and prize table assistance (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm). If you are interested in helping out, please contact Eileen Sorabella.
Bakers needed for BINGO Night on Friday, October 18th. Sign up here!
We need your help – please consider donating baked goods for our annual BINGO Night coming up soon.
No nuts, individually wrapped goodies - 2 dozen per baking volunteer. Cake pops, cookies, brownies, rice krispie treats, and/or cupcakes (not wrapped). Individually wrapped candy (i.e. ring pops, lollipops, etc.) and water bottles also welcome donations! Deliver your goodies to the HSA room by 3:00pm on October 18th.
Contact lauren.kupiec@gmail.com with any questions. THANK YOU!
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon…The first Teacher Appreciation Luncheon of the year is Friday, October 18th, 2019. We are looking for volunteers from the Fourth and Fifth Grade parents! Please show your appreciation for our teachers! We are in need of volunteers from each class to bring in salads/sides and desserts. HSA will provide wraps and sandwiches. Please sign up on the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e4cafab29aaf49-teacher4
RIDGE SCHOOL DIRECTORY - Exciting news - Ridgewood schools are transitioning to a new online format this year. Parents and teachers can access our school directory via mobile phones, laptops and desktop computers. Directory cost is $25 and includes a full year of access to our school activities and family contact information. Please watch Enews for a link to order your directory! Banner ads and Sponsor ads are also available - please contact Kerry DeVincenzo to find out about advertising. Thank you for supporting Ridge through the directory.
Support the Ridge HSA when you shop at Amazon – AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support the Ridge HSA every time you shop, at no cost to you. You’ll find the same prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the Ridge HSA. Simply click here.
Support the Ridge HSA when you shop at Stop & Shop - From September 6, 2019 through March 14, 2020 you can help our school earn CASH every time you shop using your Stop & Shop Card. Visit www.stopandshop.com. Sign in or create an account to register your card today? Go to: manage account > rewards & savings > A+ school rewards