Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Attached please find the district calendar through November 4th: October A_B.2.pdf
SCHOOL PHOTOS: you may now view your child’s photos online for ordering. Attached are the directions. Please note that your child’s ID# is available on Skyward. Photo Ordering Directions.pdf
Makeup photo day for all those students (both hybrid and remote) who were unable to have pictures taken in September will be on Tuesday, October 27th from 1-2:30 p.m.
Please email Mrs. Quinlan at mquinlan@ridgewood.k12.nj.us if you will be bringing your child for pictures that day – they need this info to print ID codes. Thanks!
STUDENT LEADERSHIP CLUB for 4th& 5th Graders: We are happy to announce that there will be a Student Leadership Club this year. Despite this unique school year, we feel that there is still an opportunity for YOU to be a student leader. Our club will look a little different this year, and it will develop as the year progresses. Our Ridge community still needs YOU to help build community and plan some fun activities, the best we can. It is very important that you fully understand the responsibility of this position before you commit to being part of this club. We feel that being part of this group means that you are committed to being a leader and role model for the rest of the school.
Ms. Tobin & Ms. Betstadt
1. Fill out the attached form and return it to the office by 10/20/20 20-21 Student Leadership Form.pdf
2. Attendance at virtual meetings
3. Creativity and cooperation
Halloween: We will be celebrating Halloween a bit differently this year! On Thursday, October 29, the A cohort are invited to wear their costumes and bring a special snack/treat. Friday, October 30th, the B cohort, and remote students, may wear their costumes and bring a special treat/enjoy it at home. There will be no parade this year….fingers crossed for October 2021!
Health Notices:
Please read Mrs. Manke’s letter about traveling and returning to Ridge.Travel Reminder_ 10.6.pdf
When calling your child in sick to the nurse, please be specific about your concerns; do not use vague “isn’t feeling well” – please let me know if they have a stomach ache, cough, sore throat, etc. Also, if you are emailing the teacher about an absence, please copy Mrs. Manke at cmanke@ridgewood.k12.nj.us
HSA Announcements
Ridge HSA Membership / Directory – over 55% of families have purchased!
Please go to https://www.ridgehsa.org/shop to pay your family’s Annual Membership Dues! The HSA uses your membership dues to support our student enrichment programs. Additionally, you will get access to the Ridge online directory that contains school activities, family contact information and other valuable school information. The Families who have purchased got access to GroupSpot last week- check your email and download the ap today!
Note: there is no longer a $5 delivery fee since the Ridgewear sale is complete.
Clothing Drive – THIS SUNDAY October 18th
Ridge is hosting another Clothing Drive Sunday, October 18th from 10-2! Please bring:
Clothing and Shoes– all types and styles of used and wearable clothing (men, women and kids)
Household Items – blankets, sheets, pillows, bedspreads, towels, bathmats, tablecloths, curtains, etc.
Accessories – purses, backpacks, briefcases, belts, hats, gloves, socks, scarves, ties, baby accessories
No plastic toys but we will accept stuffed animals!
This event is a fundraiser for the school. The HSA will make money per pound of items we donate. Items donated are given to a women’s shelter. Let you friends and neighbors know! https://www.ridgehsa.org/ridge-clothing-drive
Holiday Sale – Last Day is 9/23
Ridge is using Charleston Wrap for the wrapping paper fundraiser this year. In addition to wrapping paper, they have some amazing items that will make great holiday gifts! REGISTER at www.charlestonwrapstore.com and use Organization ID: 20119. Please feel free to invite friends and family to buy items using this code on social media!
Advertising in the Ridge HSA Directory Looking for an easy way to advertise your business and support our school’s HSA at the same time? GroupSpot has an advertising section just waiting for your company’s details. All money raised from purchased advertisements goes directly to the Ridge HSA. Please contact KerryDeVincenzo@gmail.com if interested.
Red Zone Volunteers Needed
As Mr. Rodgers Bruno said in his video, to keep red zone, we need parents to volunteer for AM and PM shifts to help children out of the cars and start their day off with a helping gloved hand! Please contact Mark Bruno at for more information or click here to sign up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040b49a4a72ba6fb6-ridge1
Walk to School Days
It’s October and we all know what that means! It’s time to celebrate walk to school month! This time things will look a little different. While we want to encourage you to walk to school every day, this year October 14th and 15th are going to be our official challenge days! If you walk to school either day, please record the number of steps, blocks, miles or minutes you walk and submit them along with your name, grade and teachers name for a chance to win awesome prizes. Are you a virtual student? You can participate too! Count the steps around your house or go for a walk outside. Please submit your results by Friday the 16th. Winners will be announced on Monday the 19th!
Ridge Calendar Coloring Contest!
Click on this link to access the calendars and see some samples. Have your kids color either the detailed calendar or the plain calendar, take a photo of their work and upload the photo to our website at this link. The student council will vote on the calendars and use them in different ways at school.
Note: the dates on the calendars are optimistic and will be updated as we learn what events are possible as school starts.
Ridge is on Social Media!
For up to date information. Follow us on:
Thank you to all the families who participated in the Parkwood Deli “No Cook” Night. Our school community bought 60 meals and donated several to the Valley Hospital workers!
Thank you to Mindy Muselli- our amazing webmaster and Directory chair. She has been working overtime for Ridge lately!
An easy way to Support Ridge:
We are all using Amazon more than ever. Let a portion of your spending go to Ridge! Go to Amazon Smile to sign up. When prompted, select Ridge HSA. A percentage of your Amazon purchase will automatically go to Ridge School.
Upcoming dates:
10/16 – Teacher Appreciation Lunch (the HSA is catering boxed lunches in lieu of homemade food)
10/20 – HSA Public Meeting (1:30 pm) Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/boc-stwv-hbu
10/29 and 30 – Halloween Classroom celebrations
11/3 – Election Day – No School for students/PD day for Teachers
11/5 – 11/6 – NJEA Convention – No School
11/17 – HSA public meeting (7:00 pm)
11/17 – 11/19 – Virtual Book Fair
11/25 – Thanksgiving Break – 12:45 Dismissal
11/26 – 11/27 – Thanksgiving Break – No School
Have an entry for Ridge eNews? Send it to Ashley Minetti by the end of the day on Friday including any flyers or attachments.