Tuesday, October 29, 2019
School Notices
This Thursday is Halloween – a fun time at Ridge. But there are some changes about that day you need to know. Please read Dr. Schoenlank’s letter about Halloween at Ridge: Halloween 2019.pdf
If the weather affects Halloween, Dr. Schoenlank will be sending out a notice that morning. In any event, there will be a parade at Ridge.
Speaking of Halloween, we will be collecting all extra candy in the front hall of Ridge until Tuesday, November 5th. The RHS Interact Club will then sell this at HS games to pay for shipping books and treats to US soldiers serving overseas.
FOUND – an Invisalign was found at Ridge last week. Please see Mrs. Manke if it’s your child’s!
GLEE CLUB is looking for a large child-sized lab coat – they promise to return in mint condition! Please email apecorelli@ridgewood.k12.nj.us if you have one. Thanks!
Book Character Day This year Dr. Schoenlank and Ms. Eng have decided to celebrate reading in different ways throughout the school year. We're excited to announce that January 17 will be Book Character Day! We will ask all of the students and teachers to dress up as their favorite book character and we have fun activities planned. We thought you might want to keep that in mind with Halloween coming up in case the costumes (or parts of the costumes) may overlap. More news will be coming about Book Character Day as the date approaches.
Please help! You can help us in two easy ways:
1. Write your child's name in all sweatshirts and jackets. Last week alone Ridge students' lost clothing filled two large baskets! (It will also help greatly if they keep track of what they wear to school.)
2. Make a sign with your child's last name for red zone use. You'd be amazed at how helpful it is to the volunteers. Thank you to those who have already done this!
BOOK GIFTING!! It’s not too late to participate in the Ridge Library Book Gifting Program! It is a great way to recognize your child’s birthday while contributing a lasting gift to our library’s collection. Please see the attached flyer and registration form. BOOK GIFTING PROGRAM 2019.pdf
If you have any questions, please email Julia Bender quigleybender@gmail.com.
LICE…just a reminder to check your child’s head daily for lice. Visit the Health page on our website for helpful instructions. If your child does have lice, they need to be treated and cleared by the nurse before they can return to school. We do not do mass head checks for lice – parents are responsible for checking their own children.
STREP THROAT and STOMACH BUG…..we are seeing more and more of these throughout Ridge. If your child complains of a sore throat and a stomach ache, please have them checked by a physician.
HSA Notices
Save the Date: The Ridge Book Fair is Coming November 12 -14
Get excited for the annual Book Fair! From Dog Man to Pete the Cat, we will have all your children's favorites on hand. All classes will have an opportunity to visit the fair -- see attached schedule: Book Fair Schedule 2019.pdf
New this year: Go cash free and set up an E-wallet
Give students a secure, cash-free way to shop the fair. Create an account and authorize a spending limit. You're only charged for what your student spends and no lost cash! Set up an E-Wallet Here
Volunteers needed: We need volunteers to assist in setting up and breaking down the fair as well as during classroom visits. Click on this link to volunteer.
Questions? Reach out to Kathleen Harris (kathleenmharris@gmail.com)
ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB Looking for budding environmental activists in 3rd-5th grade. This club will meet about once a month during lunch/recess and involve activities that directly better our school and the environment. Recycling and waste reduction will be a big focus. If your kid wants to feel empowered and make a difference, this club is for them! The club is free but space is limited. To join, send your email, child’s name & teacher to kristen.daffron@gmail.com or alinagail@gmail.com
You will be notified by email if your child is enrolled in the club, it is first come first serve
We are Collecting Box Tops for Education until tomorrow (October 30) - Please have your children bring them in and give them to their teacher. Don’t throw away money that can be used by RIDGE SCHOOL. Any questions, please contact Wendy Gross at wendygross1@yahoo.com
** Please note that the Box Tops for Education program is changing and they are moving away from the traditional Box Tops and will eventually be digital only
** Please click here to see new changes to the Box Tops program. Look for Box Tops on food and plastic bag products by General Mills, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Nature Valley, Old El Paso, Fiber One, Annie’s, Ziploc and Hefty!
Want to let your school's Coordinator know how much you've earned with the Box Tops mobile app? Each time you scan a receipt, you can click on "Give Credit" if you want to tag your earnings for a specific individual, classroom or grade level.