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Tuesday, November 3, 2020


NEW FOR PARENTS:  The elementary administrative team is pleased to share a new weekly feature for parents called Parent Academy Newsletter. Each week in the eNews you will receive a quick video tip to provide you with information and support at home. The first one was created last week and is about Fostering Independence. This week's tip is Listening to your child read aloud: Tips for success. We hope you find each tip helpful and will take a few minutes each week to view it!

IMPORTANT REPEAT REMINDER: If you are in a car picking up a child after school, you may only pick him/her up in the red painted area of the red zone. We see many people violating this rule and it is dangerous for your children! Do NOT pick them up by the 2nd grade driveway (children can walk the short walk to the red paint area) and do NOT pick them up on Ridgewood Avenue. PLEASE- this is about safety, not convenience. Also, children and adults should not be crossing the Ridge driveway as a shortcut. Stay on the sidewalks at all times. Thank you in advance for being a good role model and doing your part to keep our children and community safe.

HOLIDAY “WISHING’ TREE ….Even though things are a bit different this year, one thing that hasn’t changed is the generosity of Ridge families. We will once again be participating in the Holiday Wish campaign for Children’s Aid and Family Services.  Our tree will be out on the patio each day until all the wishes are taken.  One change this year is there are quite a few requests for gift cards due to the pandemic.  But we are confident that all wishes will be filled, and Ridge will again help lots of needy children have a joyful holiday season.  Our WishingTree will be on the front patio starting next Monday, 11/9, since all gifts need to be returned (unwrapped)  by early December.  Thank you in advance!

THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE….This year, Social Services Association has asked each school to contribute certain items for the Thanksgiving food Drive…..Ridge has been asked for stuffing and gravy (yum!).  You can send in these items with your children – there will be boxes in the front hall.

Health Notices:

IMPORTANT: Please read Mrs. Manke’s letter about the change in COVID risk factors. Moderate Risk Letter from Mrs. Manke.pdf

Your child needs to wear a CLEAN mask to school each day….cloth masks can be washed, and others should be swapped out each day.  This preserves the effectiveness of the mask.

When calling your child in sick to the nurse, please be specific about your concerns; do not use vague “isn’t feeling well” – please let me know if they have a stomach ache, cough, sore throat, etc.  Also, if you are emailing the teacher about an absence, please copy Mrs. Manke at

HSA Announcements

The Directory is LIVE on GroupSpot!!

To join Ridge School on GroupSpot, please follow these easy instructions:

  • Click on the mobile invite link below

  • Download the GroupSpot app from your respective app store

  • Open the app & create a GroupSpot account

  • Use the invite code below to access the group

  • Answer a few background questions & request to join

  • Once approved, start enjoying your new app

School Group Name: Ridge Elementary School HSA Invite

Link: Invite Code: ooNJToSCuFNWVvPr5

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mindy Muselli or Ashley Minetti.  If you haven’t paid your Membership Dues, please go to

Village Table Fundraiser

Introducing a locally curated food program for the 2020-2021 school year, providing delivery and curbside pickup.  Village Table offers fresh produce and meat delivered to your door in addition to menus from local eateries like Parkwood Deli, Catchy, Blue Moon, West Side Bagel, Brothers, etc.   A percentage of every order goes straight to the Ridge HSA to help fund our enrichment activities and exciting student programs.

Go to

Select create an account

Enter the password- villagetable7

The Ridge Online Book Fair Starts November 9

Get ready for reading! Our Scholastic Book Fair will be virtual this year and even more interactive and fun. You’ll be able to:

> Walk through a virtual Book Fair to browse for books.

> Interact with exclusive author and video content.

> Purchase books for the classroom from your teachers’ wish lists.

> Browse popular picks from the comfort of your home.

Save the date: Access begins November 9 and continues through November 22

Advertising in the Ridge HSA Directory Looking for an easy way to advertise your business and support our school’s HSA at the same time? GroupSpot has an advertising section just waiting for your company’s details. All money raised from purchased advertisements goes directly to the Ridge HSA. Please contact if interested.

Red Zone Volunteers Needed – Especially for Group B!!

As Mr. Rodgers Bruno said in his video, to keep red zone, we need parents to volunteer for AM and PM shifts to help children out of the cars and start their day off with a helping gloved hand! Please contact Mark Bruno at  for more information or click here to sign up

Girl Scout- Yarn Donations

We need your help in collecting spools of yarn! In an effort to combat the social isolation that has been caused by the pandemic, Troop 5913 is collecting new spools of yarn to be donated to the Ridgecrest Senior Housing's Circle of Love group. In turn, the seniors will be knitting warm items to children in need. Having a special project to work on will help this group of seniors have a renewed sense of purpose, passion, and creativity! Please consider donating a spool of yarn to this great cause, and become a part of the youth helping seniors, seniors helping youth project!! The goal is to collect 600 spools of yarn! A bin will be available at 79 Washington Place. Thank you for your support.

Thank You Notes:

  • Thank you to the families who participated in the pumpkin carving contest! The winners will be announced shortly!

Upcoming dates:


11/3 – Election Day – No School

11/5 – 11/6 – NJEA Convention – No School

11/17 – HSA public meeting (7:00 pm)

11/17 – 11/19 – Virtual Book Fair

11/25 – Thanksgiving Break – 12:45 Dismissal

11/26 – 11/27 – Thanksgiving Break – No School

Have an entry for Ridge eNews? Send it to Ashley Minetti by the end of the day on Friday including any flyers or attachments.

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