Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Start Strong Assessments
Please see the attached letter regarding the Start Strong Assessments.
LEGO Robotic Program
10 week session-Thursdays 3-4:15pm Please see the attached flyer.
Photo Day – Thursday September 22nd
Photo Day is scheduled for next Thursday September 22nd on the front patio. Please see the attached schedule. [insert link to document here]
Please sign up to assist with photo day. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/904054eada72babf49-photo/71884516
Like last year, you will have the opportunity to order photos online through Rod Bolten Photography at a later date.
Ridge Social
Our Ridge Social for parents will be held on Friday October 7th at the Goldberg Residence. Details to follow!
Back to School Picnic – Thank you
Our annual Back to School Picnic was a big success. We would like to thank our volunteers and donors and all who helped make the picnic a memorable evening. Whether you volunteered your time, donated goods like water, candy or baked goods, loaned us a cooler, or donated toys or gifts, thank you. Thank you to Mr Piacenza and his band for the awesome entertainment!
Red Zone
Please remember that the Red Zone is for students who can unbuckle their own seatbelts and open the car door by themselves in a timely manner. We ask that students be ready to exit when the car is stopped. Please have your student only exit from the passenger side in the marked Red Zone at drop off, and only enter your car in the Red Zone at pick up. Parents are not permitted to park in the Red Zone line and get out of vehicles, and children are not permitted to walk down the driveway and enter cars that are waiting for the Red Zone. The teacher parking lot is only for 4th and 5th grade students, not for parking and walking your children. Please wait for crossing guards to cross you. Be patient, no speeding or honking. To keep the Red Zone running we need to have help in the mornings and afternoons to ensure that rules are followed and to assist when needed. Please help us keep our kids safe by following these rules and by volunteering.
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts gives families an opportunity to share fun experiences together and make lasting memories while hiking, pinewood derby racing, launching rockets, fishing, attending optional overnight trips, and much more. To learn more please email Matt and Caitlin Schirripa or attend the kick-off informational meeting today September 13th at the Ridge castle playground at 6:15 pm. Rain date TBD. Fun and adventurous volunteers are always appreciated!
Last week for Kindergarten Daisy enrollment! There are only 5 spots left, so register by Friday, September 16. Any interested Kindergarten girls should register at https://mygs.girlscouts.org/ (troop number 98517). Meetings will be once a month after school and will be a wonderful way to meet other Kindergarteners. Our first get together will be the morning of Saturday, September 17, details to follow for those registered. Email Chelsea Beser, Katherine Cormican, Beth Barabas, or Hena Vetere with any questions!
Outdoor Library
The Outdoor Library is ready and waiting for kids to discover new stories! Please remember to:
borrow one book at a time
return books within two weeks (location on front patio)
check your home and backpacks for books with the “Jean Schoenlank’s Outdoor Library” sticker, as we’re currently missing a few favorites
Any questions, suggestions, or to donate, please email RidgeOutdoorLibrary@gmail.com
Exciting information regarding a new RidgeWear line coming soon!
Social Media
Don’t forget to follow us on social media.
Instagram @ridgeschoolhsa
Facebook @ridgeelementaryschoolhsa