Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Summer Reading-Library
To encourage summer reading...the indoor Ridge Library will be available for book checkout on Wednesday, July 20th and Wednesday, August 17th from 10am to noon.
Class Parent Sign Up
There are a few spots still available for class parents. Fifth grade parents, we need you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080445ABAB2FA3F58-ridge
Back to School Picnic
Cleaning out closets this summer? We would love to have your unopened gifts and toys for the Back to School Picnic raffle baskets. Please contact bernreilly15@gmail.com for drop off.
Save the Date
Our Ridge Parent Social will be held on Friday October 7th at 7pm at the Goldberg residence. Information regarding tickets will follow later this summer.
Dates to Remember
9/6 - First Day of School - 12:45pm dismissal 9/8 - Back to School Night - 7:30pm 9/9 - Back to School Picnic - 5pm 9/22 - Photo Day 9/27 - HSA Public Meeting 9/30 - Parent Social - 7pm
The district has asked all schools to reinstate the T-Pass security system, so we once again need any parents coming into the building for a period of time (Art volunteer, parent/teacher meeting, etc.) during school hours to scan their license at the front door and stop in the office for a temporary badge. If you have never had your license scanned into our system (mostly K &1 parents) please stop in the office to have your information entered.
Please read the attached letter about this wonderful program here at Ridge to help others.Bill Ward Fund Letter 2022.pdf
Please let us know if you will be moving over the summer or if your child won’t be attending Ridge in September for any reason.
Now that the warmer weather is here, please make sure children are dressed for it. Although we don’t have a dress CODE, we do ask for no flip flops, hoodies, or clothes with inappropriate messages or body coverage.
Please remember to follow the Red Zone rules. Red Zone Rules.pdf
now that we have a clothing donation bin on our property, the Lost & Found will be donated every Friday afternoon. Please have your child check for missing items as quickly as possible (or stop by during pick up and check it out). Also, please visit the office if your child is missing their retainer.
5th Grade Promotion Ceremony at 9am:
5th Grade parents, 4th graders and staff will cheer on the 5th graders! Step up date 6/22 at 10:30: will be for grades Kindergarten-4th graders. Clap Out: 6/22 at 12:25 - On the last day of school the staff will honor our outgoing fifth grade friends with a “Clap Out!” on the blacktop playground.