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Ridge Elementary School Logo

Welcome to

Ridge Elementary
School HSA

School News

1 / Ridge Events

For January 31 - June 19, please note the HSA is utilizing the Calendar Feature found on our GroupSpot App. Our weekly eNews will continue to be the best place for details on the events occurring in the upcoming 4-6 week window.

2 / Birthday Book Program

If you’d like to participate in this evergreen program, sign-up here and your child(ren) will choose a new book to add to the Ridge Library — including a commemorative plate with their name & birthday

3 / Red Zone

More families use Red Zone in the winter months. Thank you for volunteering for a morning shift.

February Red Zone

March Red Zone 


The Ridge School HSA is a non-profit organization comprised of parents/guardians of students, faculty and administration of Ridge School.

We support enriching experiences for our children and provide important information to parents/guardians throughout the year.

This website contains information for parents of Ridge School students including how you can help make Ridge school better. Please refer to it throughout the year.

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