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Welcome to

Ridge Elementary
School HSA

School News

1 / January Events

From the Ridge Spelling Bee, the 5th Grade Instrumental Concert, to the Drama Club's performance of The Lion King, Jr. -- there is a lot happening in January! Please refer to Key Dates in eNews to stay up to speed.

2 / HSA Dues

If you have not already paid the 24-25 family dues, please do so.  The link to our payment page with an overview of use of dues is here.

3 / Red Zone

More families use Red Zone in the winter months. Thank you for volunteering for a morning shift here


The Ridge School HSA is a non-profit organization comprised of parents/guardians of students, faculty and administration of Ridge School.

We support enriching experiences for our children and provide important information to parents/guardians throughout the year.

This website contains information for parents of Ridge School students including how you can help make Ridge school better. Please refer to it throughout the year.

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