Tuesday, September 15, 2020
School Notices
Back to School Night (virtual) is this Thursday, September 17th at 7:00 p.m. Please check that you received Dr. Schoenlank’s email yesterday morning with the link.
Here is the October 2020 A-B Hybrid Calendar through October 16 (for now).
October Hybrid A-B Calendar.pdf
SCHOOL PHOTO DAY(S) ARE COMING….We will once again be having student photos taken by Rod Bolton Photography. Please note that that the “A” Cohort children will be on Wednesday, September 23rd, and the “B” Cohort children will be a day earlier – September 22nd. All Virtual Only students will be invited to stop by for pictures on Friday, September 25th – Last names A-K from 1:00 to 2:00, and last names L-Z from 2:00 – 3:00. this year, all photos will be displayed and ordered ONLINE. Please mark your calendar for the date your child will be photographed.
The schedule is here: PHOTO DAY schedule 20-21.pdf
Some (gentle) reminders:
There are no “drop offs” allowed this year –please have your children bring their snacks and homework with them in the morning.
Please do not park in the teachers’ lot when dropping off your children in the morning.
Please schedule doctor and dentist appointments after 12:45 p. when possible so your child doesn’t miss important academics.
HSA Announcements
Class Parent Update: Due to the unusual class structure this year no class parents have been assigned yet. If you have volunteered to be a class parent and are awaiting notification, please stay tuned!
Ridge HSA Membership / Directory
Please go to https://www.ridgehsa.org/shop to pay your family’s Annual Membership Dues which will also give you access to the Directory! Let’s be honest, this year is going to be hard for fundraising so it would be great if we had 100% family participation in the HSA Dues. The HSA uses your membership dues to support our student enrichment programs. Additionally, you get access to the Ridge online directory that contains school activities, family contact information and other valuable school information. The District is using a new mobile platform called GroupSpot (formerly Kohort) for the Directory this year. Once you pay your dues, you will get access to the app in a few weeks and as the Directory content is available this fall, it will be updated. Note: there is a $5 delivery fee added to each order through the website to cover Ridgewear shipping fees; however, we can refund this fee if you are only purchasing the Directory.
Ridgewear is LIVE!!
While you are paying your membership dues, you can purchase some great clothing items from the Ridge Store! We have an exciting line of hoodies, pajama bottoms, tee shirts and shorts. The sale will only be open from September 1st until September 25th. We plan to deliver the items to your child’s classroom if they are in school or we will schedule a few pickup times at Ridge for remote students.
Please visit our Ridge HSA online store for more information
Red Zone Volunteers Needed
We need parents to volunteer for AM and PM shifts to help children out of the cars and start their day off with a helping gloved hand! Please contact Mark Bruno at for more information or click here to sign uphttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040b49a4a72ba6fb6-ridge1
HSA Volunteer Positions are Still Available
Please sign up for open positions! You will have the support of the HSA Board, former Committee Chairpersons and all the parents who want to get involved but aren't sure how to do it! Sharing your time, energy and/or expertise by being a part of the HSA Committees is priceless to our Ridge Community plus the kids LOVE to see their parents involved! Sample positions available:
Ridge Beautification Project
School Supplies, etc…
Please click https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040b49a4a72ba6fb6-ridge to see available positions. Any questions, please contact Mark Bruno..
Ridge Calendar Coloring Contest!
Click on this link to access the calendars and see some samples. Have your kids color either the detailed calendar or the plain calendar, take a photo of their work and upload the photo to our website at this link. The student council will vote on the calendars and use them in different ways at school.
Note: the dates on the calendars are optimistic and will be updated as we learn what events are possible as school starts.
Fundraiser – Ridge Beautification
The fundraiser for this year will be a Beautification Project including personalized engraved pavers, new landscaping and an upgrade to the teachers lounge. We need volunteers to help chair this committee. If you are interested, please contact Ashley Minetti
First Grade Daisy Membership
First Grade Daisy Membership is open for all interested first grade girls. Meetings will be held virtually once a month on Mondays to explore nature, community and self awareness. E-mail sarah.barnstable.brown@gmail.com for more information and/or sign-up at www.gsnnj.org.
Calling all Kindergarten Girls!
The Kindergarten Girl Scout Daisy troop is forming! We are looking for interested girls/parent volunteers. Please email Julia Bender at quigleybender@gmail.com for details.
Ridge is on Social Media!
For up to date information. Follow us on:
An easy way to Support Ridge:
We are all using Amazon more than ever. Let a portion of your spending go to Ridge! Go to Amazon Smile to sign up. When prompted, select Ridge HSA. A percentage of your Amazon purchase will automatically go to Ridge School.
Upcoming dates:
9/17 Virtual Back to School Night at 7:00pm
9/22 Photo Day– Group B
9/23 Photo Day– Group A
9/24 Virtual New Parent Coffee at 2:00pm
9/25 Photo Day– Group Remote
9/28 – Yom Kippur – No School
Photo Rain Day 9/30
Have an entry for Ridge eNews? Send it to Ashley Minetti by the end of the day on Friday including any flyers or attachments.
Visit https://www.ridgehsa.org/ for eNews and upcoming dates!